Jan 22, 2022Liked by Jeremy D. Nichols aka #1 Bronc

Knitting/crocheting? Very cheap to get into, portable, good conversation starter, and can be as mentally challenging (or not) as you choose. Scarves all in knit stitch? No counting, keep going till it's long enough. Want to concentrate like all get out? Colorwork, lace, and all sorts of things I can't do or am not willing to do.

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Jan 24, 2022Liked by Jeremy D. Nichols aka #1 Bronc

I came here to suggest knitting as well - or as I have referred to it "fidget toys with yarn." Knitting and sudoku are the only hobbies I've kept up with during the pandemic. (For what it's worth, I also have issues with perfectionism killing hobbies, and I can't for the life of me figure out why some activities are fun for me, and others of the same type are horrible. For example, I hated absolutely everything in gym class... except badminton, even though I was equally as inept in it as in anything else I tried. Go figure.)

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Jan 22, 2022Liked by Jeremy D. Nichols aka #1 Bronc

Birdwatching! Get a feeder and you can do it inside or out. And it's delightful.

All best thoughts for your mom. 💜

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Jan 22, 2022Liked by Jeremy D. Nichols aka #1 Bronc

How about genealogy? A membership on Ancestry.com and it is easy to get sucked into how far back you can trace your ancestors. And sometimes it requires communicating with distant relatives which can be interesting.

I'm sorry to hear about your Mom.

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Jan 24, 2022Liked by Jeremy D. Nichols aka #1 Bronc

My first comment got eaten. Scavenger hunts? You can have an ongoing one with a friend or group, finding things or doing actions, inside or out.

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Jan 24, 2022Liked by Jeremy D. Nichols aka #1 Bronc

Or sort of related - geocaching (https://www.geocaching.com/play). Admittedly both of these activities are better when it's not so cold.

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